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Meet Keyah Nicole

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T'KEYAH PAIGE found her passion for interior design in February 2020 when she redesigned her bedroom into a different look. She received much positive feedback from the project and thought one day she would be able to do interior design full time. In March 2021, T'keyah took her first client, and that’s when the magic began to happen. T'keyah took on her love for interior design after her grandmother Delores Paige. 


T'Keyah's love for fashion began when she was a little girl. She often played in her mother and grandmother's closet, making their home into her personal runaway. In 2014 T'keyah worked at a thrift store in Joliet, Illinois, where her eyes started to catch different types of clothing to piece together creative outfits; from then, her love for thrifting began to grow rapidly. T'Keyah took to social media to show the world her creativity in thrifting and successfully did so.  

“Fashion isn’t what you wear. It’s how you wear it.”


Let's Connect

(630) 410-1550

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